
The letter "A" January 2011 excerpt

A strange snow is falling today, leaving Fort Greene Park flocked - like an old-fashioned Christmas display in a department store window. Inside the darkened subway car, I wait for Bill Brand's subway zoetrope to take me from primary-colored protozoa to a rocket ship. When we emerge on the bridge, I see a wall of white. Looking out through the windows in the Picture Collection,  the streets look like the inside of a snow globe.

In a folder labeled "Animals, A-L," I'm returning to images I liked last summer:

I'm particularly fond of this aye-aye, an animal from Madagascar. Pretty soon, I imagine him cavorting across other "A" images, like this one:
Many thanks to Shannon MacLachlan  for the top two photos, and to David Chiu for his story in the NY Times blog The Local, which  I linked to above.