
NEW Salvador Romero Cochiti Carvings at Zuni Link

Owners William & Susanne Waites have just added a dozen new fetish carvings by Cochiti carver, Salvador Romero.

Salvador Romero is a carver of immense talent and sensitivity and very little time to carve, given his other pueblo duties. So we always consider ourselves privileged when new works
come in.

ZuniLink is one of just three galleries, to our knowledge, that carry Salvador's pieces. Here are some samples of the latest.

A pair of wolves in pueblo found stone.A pair of bears in pueblo found stone.A badger in pueblo found stone.
A hawk in pueblo found stone.

Unlike Zuni carvers, who work in more formal stones such as turquoise, lapis. marble and Labradorite, Salvador's carvings come from stones he finds on the Cochiti Pueblo grounds as he walks with his dog. The animal emerges from the carving as a result of Salvador's vision as to what exists inside it. You're invited to visit Salvador's pages at ZuniLink to see and learn more.

Thank you.